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Am I too heavy? A person is considered overweight by the World Health Organization (WHO) if their Body Mass Index (BMI) is more than or equal to 25. A person's BMI is calculated as the product of their weight in pounds or kilograms and their height in inches or meters squared. If your BMI is higher than 25, it may be time to consider losing weight. Here are the top two methods for weight loss. Having a healthy, balanced diet upgrading Your Exercise Routine

The joys of motherhood, the love, and the honor of bringing another life into the world are unparalleled. As a result, you should aim to regain your pre-pregnancy weight within a year of giving birth. Most new mothers lose half their body weight within 6 to 8 weeks following giving delivery. The rest will fall off during the next few months.

Don't you enjoy using the treadmill quickly, lifting heavy weights, stretching your body, and going to the gym? Do you enjoy looking intelligent, reclaiming your charm, and shedding pounds at home? Keep reading with us: You're going to get everything!According to research, taking easy, at-home actions to reduce body fat is the most affordable and efficient method to do it.