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Weight Losing Tricks

Weight Losing Tricks DietPlan

Diet Plans

Your weight loss goals cannot be achieved with short-term solutions.

The strength for it is a sustainable way of life that includes eating strategies that assist in weight loss and weight maintenance.

You can save yourself by using the 5:2 diet. Fasting is incorporated into the 5:2 diet regimens in order to improve health. Your daily calorie intake is limited to 600 calories for males and 500 calories for women on this diet.

Weight Losing Tricks Food Pyramid
Weight Losing Tricks

Here is a diet plan you may use; switch things up as you go!

Week 1

Day one


  • A tangerine
  • 40 Grams of Oats
  • Blueberries (145g)

Dinner: One chicken fillet with

  • Two carrots
  • Coriander
  • Peas
  • Cabbage (100g)
  • Garlic
  • Soy sauce
Weight Losing Tricks Breakfast
Weight Losing Tricks
Weight Losing Tricks Chiken
Weight Losing Tricks

Day two


  • Yogurt
  • A small serving of fat-free or Greek yogurt
  • Blueberries (70g)
  • Meat slices (40g)

Dinner: To make a feta Nicoise salad,

  • Combine 90g of feta
  • 1 Pasture-raised egg
  • 6 Black olives
  • 100g of diced cucumber
  • Several handfuls of lettuce 
  • Green beans
Weight Losing Tricks b
Weight Losing Tricks
Weight Losing Tricks salad Egg
Weight Losing Tricks

Week 2

Day three


  • 1⁄2 a Grapefruit
  • One cooked egg

Dinner:  A mushroom recipe,

  • Large mushroom
  • Three or four chopped tomatoes
  • Half a tin of kidney beans 
  • 80g of cooked brown rice 
  • Bag of organic beans that you’ve boiled at home
Weight Losing Tricks breakfast Fiber Diet
Weight Losing Tricks
Weight Losing Tricks Diner mashroom
Weight Losing Tricks

Day four


  • Ate a cracker with mild cream cheese
  • A fillet of smoked wild-caught salmon

Dinner: Cooked prawns

  • Large handful of cooked prawns
  • Chopped carrot
  • Cucumber
  • Sesame seeds
Weight Losing Tricks salmon and cream chees
Weight Losing Tricks
Weight Losing Tricks Prawns
Weight Losing Tricks

Week 3

Day five


  • 2 Scrambled eggs
  • 50g of smoked salmon

Dinner: Surprise meal

  • 10 Cherry tomatoes
  • ½ zucchini
  • ½ Aubergine
  • one red pepper
  • 2 Tangerines

Roast vegetables and squash tangerines on them, or you may put them together with the roasted vegetables.

Weight Losing Tricks Scrambled Egg
Weight Losing Tricks
Weight Losing Tricks Prawns
Weight Losing Tricks

Day six


  • Strawberry (50g)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 pot of Greek yogurt 

Blend them together.

Dinner: Baked Fish

  • 200 grams of baked haddock (Fish)
  • 1 Poached egg,
  • 1 Broccoli 100 gram
Weight Losing Tricks breakfast .
Weight Losing Tricks
Weight Losing Tricks Fish
Weight Losing Tricks

You can interchange chicken with fish or lean meats or go vegan with all vegetables and fruits for your choice of diet plan.

 Although a sure short diet plan will give you more confidence so here is the diet plan that Jennifer Lopez does:

  • Breakfast: chocolate
  • After cardio: milkshake
  • After weights: burger
  • Before training: coffee, bagel

Imagine JLO curves and having a burger or chocolate or milkshakes shows that you can include foods that you love into your diet plan, just knowing when to have them to get the best results is the key.

Although everyone is chemically divergent, the different diet plans may work for an individual age bracket and gender. With so many diet plans to choose from, select what works best for you and make that diet plan part of your lifestyle to carry it forward.

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